SSPT Newsletter 3/2020

Die 93. SGPF-Hauptversammlung ist verschoben

Die HV kann leider nicht am Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2020 stattfinden. Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage hat der Vorstand beschlossen, die HV abzusagen und alternativ die Entscheide über die traktandierten Geschäfte und fristgerecht eingereichten Anträge auf dem Korrespondenzweg einzuholen. Der Vorstand hat den Freitag, 26. Juni 2020, als Termin für eine Online-GV festgelegt. Der Zeitplan sieht wie folgt aus: 

  • Vorschläge und Fragen an den SGPF-Vorstand bis Freitag 29. Mai 2020 
  • Antworten und Unterlagen an alle Mitglieder bis Freitag 12. Juni 2020 
  • Abstimmungen und Wahlen online bis Freitag, 26. Juni 2020 

Weitere Informationen werden ihnen bald kommuniziert. 

Der Vorstand der SGPF 


La 93ème assemblée générale de la SSPT est reportée.

Malheureusement, l'AG ne peut avoir lieu le jeudi 4 juin 2020.Compte tenu de la situation actuelle,le Comité a décidé d'annuler l'assemblée générale mais d'obtenir toutefois des décisions sur les points de l'ordre du jour et les motions soumises dans les délais par voie de correspondance. Le comité a déterminé la date du vendredi 26 juin 2020 pour une AG online. Le calendrier est le suivant:

  • Suggestions et questions au Comité de la SSPT jusqu'au vendredi 29 mai 2020 
  • Réponses et documents à tous les membres jusqu'au vendredi 12 juin 2020 
  • Votes et les élections online jusqu'au vendredi 26 juin 2020 

Des informations complémentaires vous seront communiquées prochainement. 

Le Comité de la des SSPT 


Call for Papers, Special Issue on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the journal Geomatik Schweiz – September 2020 

Dear SGPF/SSPT members , 


As every year the issue September of Geomatik Schweiz is dedicated to Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Up to now, papers were published based on invitation. This year the Council of SGPF/SSPT wants to select papers based on a call for papers. This call is open to all SGPF/SSPT members but also non-members (from academia, public and research institutions and private firms). Any topic on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing is suitable. Papers on other topics of Geomatics will receive lower priority and can be published in the regular issues of the journal. The paper contents should not be too exotic and too scientific (avoid many equations) and should preferably relate to an important application. The special issue has 16 pages and usually 4 papers. Extra pages can be bought by the authors at a cost of 300 CHF per page. Papers should be preferably in only one language to avoid loss of precious page space. 


If interested, please send via email an extended abstract of 600 words (you can add few figures and tables, if desirable) by June 1st to the editor of the special issue, Emmanuel Baltsavias, ETH Zürich, The abstract should cover all essential parts (aims, input data, methods, results and discussion). For the selection we will also use criteria regarding the geographic and institutional distribution of the authors. 


Authors of selected abstracts will be notified by June 15th, together with more detailed instructions about the preparation of the manuscripts. The final full manuscripts should be submitted to the editor by July 24th. 


All deadlines are strict! 


We are looking forward to your contribution and an interesting and useful special issue. 

Council of SGPF/SSPT 


ISPRS awards honoring Switzerland 

The SGPF is pleased to support the research acitvely. Congratulation for the following awards: 

  • Konrad Schindler received the Frederick J. Doyle award. 
  • Davide Antonio Cucci, Martin Rehak and Jan Skaloud received the U. V. Helava award for the period 2016-2019. 
  • Jan Skaloud received the Samuel Gamble award. 
  • Emmanuel Cledat and Stefan Blaser received the Young Author’s award. 
  • The book Photogrammetric Computer Vision by W. Foerstner and B. Wrobel received the Karl Kraus Medal award, which is co-supported by our Society. 

» Read more details: 


ISPRS Helava Award 2015-2019 

Dear SGPF/SSPT members, 

The results are at 
As you will see the award went to Swiss researchers and SGPF members: Davide Antonio Cucci, Martin Rehak and Jan Skaloud. This is indeed a great honor, as this award is one of the two most prestigious ISPRS awards, and the paper had to compete with about 600-800 other ones. 
Best wishes, 

Council of SGPF/SSPT 


ISPRS XXIV Congress postponed to 4 - 10 July 2021 

ISPRS officially announces that due to the corona virus crisis, the XXIV ISPRS Congress to be held in Nice, France, has been postponed to 2021. The dates for the postponed XXIV ISPRS Congress have now been set at 4 - 10 July 2021. We hope that this information will enable you to move any hotel booking and flights you may have already booked, and thus reduce costs. 


» Read more details: 


GEOSummit 2020 ist verschoben

GEOSummit 2020 ist auf den 23. und 24. Juni 2021 verschoben. ‘Machine Learning on raster data’ & ‘Drone Operation in the "Drone Valley"’ sind auch in 2021 verschoben. 

» Mehr Informartionen :


GEOSummit 2020 est reporté 

Le GEOSummit 2020 a été reporté aux 23 et 24 juin 2021. ‘Machine Learning on raster data’ & ‘Drone Operation in the "Drone Valley"’ également reportés à 2021.  

» Plus d’information:


The Swiss Network of Geospatial Imaging Experts

The Swiss Network of Geospatial Imaging Experts is a non-governmental organization devoted since 1928 to the development of national and international cooperation for the advancement of photogrammetry and remote sensing and their applications. Member of the, and

  • English: SSPRS - Swiss Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  • Deutsch: SGPF - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung
  • Français: SSPT - Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection

Société Suisse de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection
Kapellentrasse 14 - Case postale - 3001 Berne -